Perfect Tests to Detect Lyme Disease

Get A Professional Blot Test Done

Lyme disease is very dangerous for humans because it attacks the entire immune system. Late detection of this disease can lead to serious negative consequences for the human body. If you suspect you have Lyme disease, it is best to do a western blot test.

This is the only test that can confirm whether or not you are infected with the Lyme disease bacteria. There are initial tests that are done, but they cannot give completely accurate results. The reason is that there is a possibility that you have seen the doctor too early, so that your body has not yet been able to produce a large amount, of antibodies that the initial test could detect. Antibodies can appear 2 to 3 weeks after infection and can remain for years after the symptoms of this disease have passed.

Western Blot Test

Also, if you have started taking antibiotics, they will prevent the development of antibodies, so the initial or early test will again have no effect in detecting this disease. If the results of these screening tests are borderline or positive, it is best to perform an additional test that will give you accurate results with certainty.

Performing the western blot test should be left to an expert because he knows exactly which parameters are taken into account and knows how to accurately read all the necessary values ​​that the test showed. These tests can provide important information to the doctors and based on their results the doctor can prescribe the appropriate therapy to help you overcome this dangerous disease.